Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Why Online Casino War is So Popular

Why Online Casino War is So Popular
Online casino war is the 'Internet version' of the classic casino war: a card-based game, which is in turn based on the traditional children's 'war' game. It is quite an easy game really, played with the standard 52 card packages; with card ranking rules that are not very much unlike those for poker. Every player in the casino war has a card dealt to them, as does each dealer. Thereafter it becomes a question of betting on the value of cards one gets dealt with (after a shuffle, of course), so that if you are a player, and the card you are dealt happens to be lower than the card that the dealer gets, you lose your bet. Conversely, if the card you are dealt happens to be of a higher value in the 'ranking' system than what the dealer gets, you win (and actually get money added to what you started out with).
The real game, however, starts where the dealer and the player happen to draw cards of equal value; which by the way is quite often. When this scenario occurs, the solution (and this is where the game gets its name), is to either go to war or to surrender. Going to war means doubling one's bet, and then dealing (the cards) afresh. It offers an opportunity to win doubly, and conversely, a risk to lose doubly of course. The alternative, that is surrendering, means opting to give the dealer half of your bet, seeing that it being a draw situation, the dealer stood as good a chance of winning or losing as you. The dealer in most cases happens to be the 'house' (the host casino), so that a tie effectively becomes a loss (albeit half a loss) to you as a player if you opt to surrender, as you have to give half your bet to the house.
Obviously, casino war is a very easy game to understand and play; and a very easy game to automate. For this reason it is not surprising that it was among the first game to go online, when online casinos first came. In the intervening period, online casino war has also evolved into one of the most popular online casino games. This popularity of online casino war can be attributed to at least a couple of factors.
One of the factors behind the popularity of online casino war (just like traditional casino war just described) is its simplicity. This is not a game that calls for perpetual 'brain raking.' Beyond understanding the card ranking system, there is really nothing else the player has to understand. This makes it a great game for the person who is going to the casino to relax, and not to 'rake brains endlessly.'
Another factor behind the popularity of online casino war is that it is purely a game of chance: where the player and the dealer (the house) have equal chances of winning, and where everything is straightforward.
Then we have - on the other hand - the fact that it offers the 'house' a bigger margin, both in the event of either a player losing; or a player and the house's dealer tying, and the player opting to 'surrender.' Aware of this advantage to themselves, many online casinos have been quick to develop online casino war 'facilities' and to promote the game quite aggressively: leading to its quite immense popularity.

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