Monday, 30 September 2019

Poker Position - Just How Important is It?

Once you have mastered the basics of Texas Hold'em you will quickly discover that your position during a hand will affect how you should play. Many players soon realise that their relative position affects their game, but most underestimate just how important it can be. This is as a result of the dealer moving the button around per turn, in order to ensure that all players present are required to pay a blind.
It is important that you appreciate the value that poker plays, as well as the relationship between the amount of information you have and the value of it. Put simply, the more information you possess the more effective your tactical decisions will be. If you act blind, then you will find that you rush into trouble.
The majority of hands will typically involve position as a factor of major importance, and so if we are to learn and progress, we too must examine the table is divided according to position. First and foremost, there is the so called early position which will include all blinds and which is located immediately after the dealer button. Without a doubt these are the most challenging to try and play, because you will have all players behind you and you will have no idea as to how powerful their hands are.
The next three spots moving clockwise are dubbed "middle position" and from this vantage point you will only see the actions and choices of a select few players. When you move to the so called late position (AKA the next 3 seats) most of the players will have actually played their hand which means you are in a better position to know what their hand is. Therefore you will be able to alter your strategy as appropriate.
Just to clarify: in this particular scenario, the blinds are typically acting last however this is only because you are currently in the first bout of action. In other words, in all other rounds the roles are reversed and so it is the blinds that will be played first with the dealer's buttons submitted last. The buttons are more strategically useful after the flop has passed and it is for that reason then stealing blinds is a commonly relied upon strategy.
Now that you can more clearly perceive the layout of the table, let us consider a hand scenario that will vary according to the position held. Let us say for argument's sake that you happen to possess a ten and a seven of the same suit and you decide to submit a raise of $3. The player beside you matches your aggression, placing a bid of $5, and another player seeking to jump on the bandwagon, decides to raise it even further, to $10. In such a case, what is the best way forward? After all, you are not in a prime position here, and you have another major variable hovering in the balance: the player after you. You have no way of knowing what he will play, but rest assured, what he DOES play will be influenced by what you decide to play. The worst thing about this kind of hand is that you cannot predict or foretell just how much this particular hand will cost you in the long run.
On the other end of the spectrum let us consider that you happen to possess the same hand for the cutoff and that there is a grand total of four limpers playing behind you. Based on the plays thus far, you assume that all of the players thus far have rather poor hands that will need some support when it comes to the flop. One option is to reraise the bet, however, it is important to note that when it comes to a hand such as this you could secure an advantage for yourself by limping. This may seem too much like leaving the game to chance, i.e. a risky and inadvisable move. However, limping in these sort of situations is actually a very credible and solid idea because it is possible to secure yourself a very large jackpot indeed which will more than cover your costs. The only thing to make sure in these sort of situations is to ensure that you actually have enough money to keep yourself afloat.
Please note though that a lot of flops are going to go right past you and so if you go in too cheap, you will be cutting the odds of you recouping your losses. Position is king in poker and so it is a variable that should be exploited for full use. As your experience grows, so will your confidence as to how to use the position effectively.
Position is even more important in Texas Hold'em, in fact, it is entirely possible for a single hand to win a match, and therefore a decent appreciation for how it works is crucial!

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